


·         Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, Almaly district, Nauryzbay batyra Street, 65, Office 416

·         BIN 191140024753

·         Bank details:

·         JSC Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan

·         IBAN KZ496018771000577431

·         BIC HSBKKZKX


Подробнее: Contacts

Bugetkol Project

Bugetkol Project:


·         Bugetkol nickel-cobalt deposit, discovered in 1959, is located in the Aiteke Bi district of Aktobe region, 270 km north-east from the regional center of Aktobe, 30 km south of Buruktal field silicate nickel ores (Russia) in the area of the sheet M-41-50-B.

·         Altynsarino-Khromtau railroad passes 3 km south of the mine. 

·         The deposit area is a hilly plateau with an altitude of 330-335 m above sea level. 

·         MINERAL RESOURCE ESTIMATE Bugetkol Nickel-Cobalt Project Report Nº R518.2019 20 December 2019:



About us

«Sary Arka» Mining Company LLC


·         The state affiliation – Resident of RoK.

·         In accordance with the protocol №4.36. of the outcome of the contest for the right of subsoil use held on December 3, 2015 the «Sary Arka» mining company LLC is the winner of the auction for the subsoil use right for production of nickel-cobalt ore at the deposit «Bugetkol» in Aktobe region.

·         Extraction and enrichment of nickel-cobalt ores

·         The company's assets include fields and an engineering company.

·         We have a staff of professionals in the field of mining and processing of mineral raw materials.




Project summary:


·         Ni & Co are exchange commodities demand for which is constantly growing;

·         The project is located on the transport corridor Western Europe - Western China;

·         Reserves of the field are sufficient to maintain constant production level for more than twenty years;

·         Proposed low cost technology brought the uranium industry of Kazakhstan to a leading position in the world;

·         The region of deposit location has all required infrastructure;

·         The project has received positive approvals from all required state authorities;

·         The project is staffed by highly qualified personnel having many years of experience;


Main technical specifications:


·         Application area – Ni/Co extraction from solutions

·         Productivity (Ni in concentrate) - first stage 5000 t/y, second stage 10 000 t/y 

·         Final product - MHP with Ni content about 40%

·         Automatic process control system.

·         Mode of operation - permanent.